
Further Evidence of the Value of In-Home Occupational Therapy

A new study, published in the March 8 edition of Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, has concluded that low-vision patients who improve in their daily living activities through at-home training with an occupational therapist (OT) have less severe symptoms of depression than similar patients who did not receive such training. Using outcomes from a recently [Read More]

Bright Flash Retinal Photography–a Thing of the Past

by Dan Roberts (Macular Degeneration Support) and Liz Trauernicht (Macular Degeneration Foundation) OCT and nonmydriatic technologies are lessening discomfort and risk of eye exams. MD Support and MD Foundation communicate with thousands of patients who undergo periodic eye exams for diagnosis and treatment of macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and other chronic diseases. Many have [Read More]

Trials beginning for Emixustat Treatment of Stargardt Disease

Acucela has announced that the first patient has enrolled in a study to evaluate emixustat hydrochloride (“emixustat”) in subjects with Stargardt disease. Approximately 30 subjects will be enrolled at 4 to 6 clinical sites in the United States, with subjects taking oral doses of the drug once daily in the evening for one month. Emixustat [Read More]

“How soon will my good eye go bad?”

This is commonly-asked by people affected with unilateral age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a chronic and progressive disease, and the chances are good that it will eventually affect both eyes. The question about when that will happen has been addressed by a three-continent study published in January 2017 by the British Journal of Ophthalmology. Researchers [Read More]

Researchers To Study Telescope Implant For Post-Cataract Patients

VisionCare, Inc. has announced FDA approval to study the company’s Implantable Miniature Telescope (IMT) in patients who have been previously treated for cataract. In the study, the new intraocular lens will be removed and replaced with the IMT in order to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the device. For the past 8 years, the telescope implant has been improving visual acuity and quality of life [Read More]