by Dan Roberts September 2003 Japanese researchers have found that mutations in the RDH5 gene can cause macular dystrophy, fundus albipunctatus, and/or night blindness. Twenty-one patients from nineteen different families with fundus albipunctatus were analyzed. Ten of the patients had macular dystrophy. In eighteen, mutations were found in the RDH5. The patients were tested using [Read More]
Changes in the Retina Due to Aging
Originally published July 2003 All layers of the retina age, which can contribute to loss of vision from retinal maculopathy. This is a summary of these processes. For definitions and illustrations of the retinal layers, see Anatomy of the Eye on this web site. For definitions of terms, see the MD Support Glossary. Vitreous gel [Read More]
Study Demonstrates Essential Role of Zeaxanthin in Eye Health
Published by permission from RFB Communications Group, Inc. November 11, 2002 (Updated June 9, 2003) Schepens/Harvard study provides direct proof of dietary nutrient’s essential role in protecting the retina from the damaging effects of light. Skip to “Questions and Answers about Zeaxanthin”Research performed at Schepens Eye Research Institute and Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School [Read More]
Accutane May Inhibit Progression of Stargardt's Disease
by Dan Roberts April 2003 Accutane, a prescription drug used to treat acne, has been shown to inhibit the development of lipofuscin deposits in the retinas of rodent models. This is promising news for people with Stargardt’s disease. The author of the study is Dr. Gabriel Travis, professor of ophthalmology and biological chemistry at the [Read More]
Macular Hole, Epiretinal Membranes, and Macular Pucker Have Similar Origins
by Wendy Strouse Watt, O.D. March 2003 The vitreous is the fluid in front of the retina. It keeps the eye round. When we are children, it has the consistency of egg white. As we get older, it gets thicker, like clear gelatin. As it gets thicker, it degenerates and pulls off in strings, creating [Read More]