A well-known standard for publishing for low vision readers has been incorporation of large print, clear fonts, and bold lettering. Now a small study has shown that bold lettering may not be as important as previously thought. A team of researchers reported in December 2018 to the newsfeed of Science Direct that increasing boldness of [Read More]
A Blurry Night Before Christmas
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. My stocking was hung by the chimney with care, But I ripped it right down when I tripped on the chair. Then out on the lawn I heard such a clatter, I rose from the floor to [Read More]
Iron Supplementation Associated With Wet AMD
A report published in Review of Optometry on November 5, 2018 announced research* showing that non-anemic patients with wet age-related macular degeneration (wAMD) who take oral iron supplements may be at risk of retinal/subretinal hemorrhage. Researchers have found that use of oral iron supplements was significantly associated with retinal/subretinal hemorrhage at baseline in patients with [Read More]
Genentech’s Faricimab for Wet AMD May Greatly Extend Time Between Injections
(Updated May 13, 2020) Genentech has announced positive results from the Phase II STAIRWAY study which explored the extended durability of faricimab (RG7716) in the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD). At 52 weeks, faricimab patients dosed either every 16 weeks or every 12 weeks demonstrated sustained vision outcomes comparable to Lucentis (ranibizumab) dosed [Read More]
Possible Cause of Charles Bonnet Syndrome Discovered
Researchers at the University of Queensland have found an association between Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) and abnormally heightened activity in the visual cortex of the brain. The findings were published October 25, 2018 in the journal Current Biology. According to the researchers, up to 40% of people with loss of vision experience hallucinations, which are [Read More]