by Sharon Chism I once could see the looks they gave for people like me. Some pity, confusion a and even shock that someone couldn’t see. Like speaking with foreign words, it’s hard to understand the uncommon particularities of a partially sighted man. I struggle with the secret of what to tell and when. To [Read More]
Amidst Familiar Settings
(Contributed by Bobbie Russell Broumly) Suddenly I’m a stranger in this world I call my home. Amidst familiar settings I sometimes feel alone. My eye sight’s growing dimmer and the sounds of life grow faint. I’m almost like the artist who’s misplaced his tube of paint. My friends all tend to holler and to grab [Read More]
Love Through A Fractured Lens
Blind Dates are Hard Enough. Try it Legally Blind. by Joel Deutsch The waitress set down my coffee and laid a pair of large menus on the table. “I’ll come back when your other party gets here,” she said. “Wait,” I entreated. “Would you mind telling me the salads?” I didn’t want to start off [Read More]
Music of the Mind
A grateful visitor discovers that Disney Hall need not be seen clearly to be appreciated. I was elated when Walt Disney Concert Hall finally debuted to architectural and acoustical acclaim last October. In my youth, I’d soaked up the symphonic repertoire in Cleveland’s elegant Severance Hall during the orchestra’s celebrated time under the direction of [Read More]
My Story
It started in 2004, when my optometrist saw something amiss while checking me for new lenses. He sent me to a retinal specialist, who said I had fluid buildup in the back of my eye. He told me, “This usually happens to college age students and type A personalities. No one knows why it happens, [Read More]