Prevent Blindness wants all Americans to know that 14% of all injuries from fireworks are to the eyes, and that contusions, lacerations, and foreign bodies in the eyes occurred more frequently than burns to other parts of the body. Here are more important statistics from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission: Fireworks devices were involved [Read More]
Summary of Research and Development — 2018
Transcript of a presentation to the International Low Vision Support Group June 2018 Dan Roberts, Director Select this link for audio-visual format INTRODUCTION This is our 13th annual summary of leading research and developments occuring during the past 12 months in the fields of blindness and low vision. Sources for further information will appear beneath [Read More]
Every Patient Can Be an Advocate
by Dan Roberts What do these six famous people have in common? They are all different in many ways, but they each possess at least one characteristic which sets them apart. They have a strong sense of empathy, making it impossible for them to remain silent in the face of adversity. They all believe in [Read More]
Müller Cells Might Be Re-programmed to Become Sight Cells
Degeneration of photoreceptors (rod and cone cells) is a leading cause of vision loss. Since there are no effective treatments to restore vision once photoreceptors are lost, photoreceptor regeneration has the very real prospect of alleviating blindness in these eyes. To that end, a recent innovative study has demonstrated the possibility of reprogramming Müller glial [Read More]
Mediterranean Diet Lowers Risk of AMD
Studies in France and the Netherlands have shown that a Mediterranean diet is linked to a lower risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Researchers investigated the effects of such a diet on a large sample from subjects from two population-based prospective studies. The diet consists of more than median intakes of vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, [Read More]