
Trash-Collecting Cells May Accelerate Retinitis Pigmentosa

NIH research points to microglia as potential therapeutic target in retinitis pigmentosa Spider-like cells inside the brain, spinal cord and eye hunt for invaders, capturing and then devouring them. These cells, called microglia, often play a beneficial role by helping to clear trash and protect the central nervous system against infection. But a new study [Read More]

Cheaper Substitute for Lucentis Developed in India

Intas Pharmaceuticals, a company based in India, has launched RAZUMAB™, an anti-VEGF drug that is “biosimilar” to Lucentis. This means that RAZUMAB has a synthesized chemical structure that can substitute for, but not duplicate, Lucentis. To make biosimilarity possible, scientists must show that the new product is highly similar and have no significant differences from [Read More]