In the shadow of recent severe health problems caused by irresponsible repackaging (compounding) of drugs for use in the clinics, MD Support offers a free audio/visual presentation to help patients understand drug side effects and adverse events. Speaking to the International Low Vision Support Group, Dan Roberts addresses the compounding issue as part of a [Read More]
Support Groups for the Visually Impaired
Here are opportunities to socialize and share information with others living with various retinal degenerative conditions. Live Support Groups American Council of the Blind Foundation Fighting Blindness International Low Vision Support Group TeleSupport Internet Message Boards American Foundation for the Blind Eye and Vision Foundation Fighting Blindness Internet E-mail Groups (Listservs) BADEYES – socialization, help [Read More]
Visual Field Grid
The Visual Field Grid was designed to allow you to map the scotomas (blind spots) in your central vision. It is easy to do, and it can be used to either monitor your own own progress or to explain your vision to others. To map your visual field, print this page and follow the steps [Read More]
Snellen Chart
This is the same chart that your doctor uses to determine your visual acuity. The normal height for the letter A is 88 mm, and the viewing distance is 6 meters. To properly view the chart on your monitor: Measure the height of the letter A in millimeters Divide by 88 Multiply by 6 The [Read More]
Amsler Grid
The purpose of the Amsler Grid is to identify distortion in your visual field. To accomplish it, sit approximately 18 inches from your monitor screen and close either eye. Stare at the center of the grid, and observe the surrounding area peripherally. If any lines are distorted (“bent”), this is evidence of swelling of your [Read More]