ABISee, Inc
Developer and manufacturer of scanners/readers/magnifiers for people who are blind and those with low-vision.
30 Sudbury Rd., Unit 1B
Acton, MA 01720
Tel: 978-637-2900
Large print stickers for computer keyboards, office machines, and home appliances.
Tel: 450-462-2225
Toll free: 800-363-6026
AccessaMed, Inc.
The Digital Audio Label is the new generation in accessible prescription drug labeling. Press its button and hear a verbal description of the prescription details as prepared by the pharmacist. Tel: 360-696-5955
Active & Able
Software, watches, magnifiers, clocks, calculators, and other items for the visually-impaired. Also products for people with other disabilities.
333 Lexington Dr
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Tel: 877-229-9993
Access 20/20
On line shopping. Home of the Internet Braille Wizard. Produces braille publications, labels and business cards.
Tel: 1-800-563-0668
Makers of C-Desk, a desktop magnifier/reader featuring eight applications designed for handling most important daily activities.
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
Tel: (949) 436-7760
Desktop, portable and handheld magnifiers, wearable devices, and lighting solutions. Free product demonstrations, service, and support, both in-person and remotely.
PO Box 403
Lynnfield, MA 01940
Tel: (800) 407-6486
Adaptive Technology Consulting Inc.
Provides/Installs/Trains for use of assistive devices. Magnifiers, calculators, phone pens, i.d. mates, portable print magnifiers, and more.
P.O. Box 778
Amesbury, MA 01913
Tel: (978) 462-3817
Advantage Graphite Canes
Makes both folding and rigid cane models.
Revolution Enterprises, Inc.
12170 Dearborn Place
Poway, CA 92064
Tel : (800) 382-5132
Ai Squared
For information on Zoom Text screen reader software. Computer aids.
P.O. Box 669
Manchester Center, Vt 05255
Tel: (800) 444-4443
ALVA Access Group
Windows and Macintosh access software. For information on “outSPOKEN,” text-to-speech software for Power Macintosh.
5801 Christie Avenue, Suite 475
Emeryville CA 94608
Phone: (510) 923-6280
Ambu Tech
Large selection of mobility canes for the visually impaired.
34 DeBaets Street
Winnipeg R2J 3S9
Tel: (204) 663-3340 or (800) 561-3340
Apps For Blind and Visually Impaired
This AppList highlights and reviews some of the most innovative and entertaining iDevice applications available to the vision impaired.
ASF Lightware Solutions
ASF Magnifiers, Beam-n-Read lights, keyboard vision aids, cell phone vision aids, playing cards, sleep switches for cassette players. Easy-to-read site in bold display.
Box 625
Merrick, N.Y. 11566
Tel:. 516-868-3918 or Toll Free: 800-771-3600
Assis-TECH, Inc.
Magnifiers, CCTVS, Screen Readers, Speech Software.
P.O. Box 828
Townsend, MA 01469
Tel: (978) 544-5619
Assistive Technology, Inc.
LINK Talking Keyboards, computer aids, talking appliances.
7 Wells Avenue Newton, MA 02459
Tel: (617) 641-9000 or (800) 793-9337
Attainment Company, Inc.
Computer software. Braille Counting Cards, Motion Activated Recording Device for Location.
P.O. Box 930 160
Verona, WI 53593-0160
Tel U.S: (800) 327-4269
Tel International: 1-608-845-7880
Bartimaeus Group
Adaptive hardware and software for blind and visually impaired persons. Provides on-site adaptive technology training and support along with a wide variety of products.
1481 Chain Bridge Rd, Suite 100
McLean VA 22101
Tel: 703-442-5023
Baum Elektronik Osterreich
Manufacturer of Assistive Devices (In German).
Baum Elektronik GmbH
A-1100 Wien
Austria, Gudrunstra?e 179a
Tel: +43-1-606 75 60
Bengala Branca Importacao e Comarcio Ltda
Braille Producing Equipment and Other Devices (In Portugese).
Rua: Cel. Vicente, 608 – Cep. 90030-040
Porto Alegre – RS – Brasil
Tel: ( 051 ) 212.4777
Beyond Sight
Sunglasses, magnification mirrors, software, computers, CCTVs, recorders, canes, clocks, games, magnifiers.
5650 South Windermere Street
Littleton, CO 80120
Tel: 303-795-6455
Blaxall Optics Ltd
Specializing in low vision aids and magnifiers for people with low vision.
PO Box 611
New Zealand
Tel: +64 3 366 2999
BluTech Lenses
Glasses that provide protection from UV rays and harmful high-energy blue light without altering or distorting color perception.
Eye Solutions Technologies, LLC
23010 North 17th Drive, Suite 6
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Tel: (866) 704-0845
BrightLines Paper
Highlighted paper and raised line paper.
285 N Woodland Dr
Robins, IA 52328
Tel: (319)366-3209
Daily living aids such as, walkers and canes, electric beds, rehab products etc.
Rancho Mobility, Inc.
8429 White Oak Avenue, #101
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: (888) 466-1650
Bossert Specialties, Inc.
Magnification Center. Braille, CCTVS, computer and daily living aids, Glasses, Magnifiers, Talking Appliances.
3620 East Thomas RD, Suite D-124
Phoenix, Arizona, 85018
Tel: (602) 956-6637 or (800) 776-5885
Braille Jymico
Tactile graphics, scientific Braille production, literary Braille, music Braille.
110 51 Street East
Charlesbourg, Quebec
Canada G1H 2J9
Tel: (418) 624-0994
Braille Master
The ultimate braille translation and publishing software.
BrailleMaster Division
Robotron Group
15 Stamford Road
Oakleigh 3166
Brookes Talk, The Speech Project
Web Browsers for Scanning Web Pages and Sites.
Intelligent Systems Research Group
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Oxford Brookes University, Gipsy Lane Campus
Headington, Oxford OX3 OBP
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 48 36 52
Brytech, Inc.
Monitoring Products for Identifying Paper Currency Denominations.
Full line of binoculars and telescopes for sporting activities and home use.
Bushnell International Corporation
9200 Cody
Overland Park, KS 66214-1734
Tel: (913) 752-3400 or (800) 423-3537
Columbusstraat 25
3165 AC Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: 31 (0) 10 494 5767 / 768
Clarity Solutions
Products For The Visually Impaired. Video Magnifiers.
537 College Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Tel: (800) 575-1456
Closing The Gap
Computer Technology in Special Education and Rehabilitation.
P.O. Box 68, 526 Main Street
Henderson, MN 56044
Tel: (507) 248-3294
Cobalt Speechmaster
Daily living aids including speaking microwave ovens, anti-glare glasses, talking watches etc.
The Old Mill House, Mill Road
Reedham, Norwich
Norfolk NR13 3TL
Tel: +44 (0)1493 700172
Cocoons Eyewear
Fit-over sunglasses offering complete UV protection and polarization.
To locate a dealer in your area, select this link.
Compusult Limited
Working Solutions For The Visually Impaired. Computer Sppech Technology, Talking Appliances.
40 Bannister Street
Mount Pearl, Newfoundland
Canada, A1N 1W1
Tel: (709) 745-7914
Computer Vision and Voice
Speech Recognition and hands-free computing. Offers comprehensive classroom and on-site training.
504 North Avenue East
Westfield, NJ 07090
Tel: (908)-317-8255
CTECH Low Vision
Products includes the following but not limited to: Electronic Video Magnifiers, Scan and Read Software, Screen Readers, Screen and Handheld Magnifiers, Wearable Text Readers and Magnifiers, Braille products and Computer Equipment with Adaptive technology.
2 N Williams St
Pearl River NY 10965
Tel: (845) 735-7907 or (800) 228-7798
Dazor Manufacturing
Quality Enhanced Lighting with Iluminated Magnifiers for Low Vision. Daily Living Aids.
4483 Duncan Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
Tel: (800) 345-9103
Describe Online
Making it easier through text.
Terry Robinson
16 Nibthwaite Road
Harrow, Middlesex HA1 1TA
United Kingdom
Tel: 020 8861 6909
Dolphin Computer Access
Adaptive Computer Equipment For Low Vision.
Dolphin Computer Access Inc.
475 Wall Street
Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: (866) 797-5921
Don Johnston, Inc.
Distributor of the Clevy Keyboard.
Don Johnston Incorporated
26799 West Commerce Drive
Volo, IL 60073
Tel: (847) 740-0749
Dragon Naturally Speaking
Offers a full line of multi-lingual speech-recognition products.
320 Nevada Street
Newton, MA 02460
Tel: (617) 965-5200
Duxbury Systems
Braille Translation software on MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh, Unix and other systems.
270 Littleton Road, Unit 6
Westford, Mass 01886
Tel: (978) 692-3000
Dynamic Living, Inc.
Daily Living Aids including: Telephones, Talking Products, Kitchen, Bed & Bath Aids, Thermometers, Clocks, TV Remotes, etc.
Tel: Toll Free Within U.S.A. (888) 940-0605
On-line shopping venue including magnifiers, talking products, etc.
Tel: (888) 611-3300
Fax: (914) 993-0859
Edward Marcus LTD
The UK’s premier specialist distributor of magnifiers and low vision aids.
Unit 2
Mitchell’s Enterprise Centre
S73 8HR
Tel: 01226 764082
Elan Text To Speech
Multilingual Text-To-Speech, voice processing, e-mail reader over the phone.
4, rue Jean Rodier
31400 Toulouse
Tel : +33 5 61 36 89 10
E-Book Reader
New reading devices that allow for magnification of texts.
Over 3,000 Assistive Technology devices from over 200 manufacturers.
Enhanced Vision
Dealer in Merlin LCD, Max, Flipper, Acrobat, Jordy, Amigo and Nemo magnification systems.
Enhanced Vision Systems
5882 Machine Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: 1-888-811-3161
Adaptive technologies in Greece.
Computers & electronic applications
Maikina 112, Athens 15771
?el. ++301 777 45 17
En-Vision America Inc.
Technology Products to assist in the areas of independent living, health care, employment and education.
Independent Living Aids
2012 W. College Ave., Suite 200
Normal, IL 61761
Tel: (309) 452-3088 or (800) 890-1180
Eschenbach Optik of America, Inc.
Our vision aids include magnifiers, telescopes, sun filters, binoculars, and electronic reading devices (CCTVs).
Eschenbach Optik of America, Inc.
22 Shelter Rock Lane
Danbury, CT 06810
Ph: (800) 487-5389
Etex Mexico
Screen readers and Speech Synthesizers for blind Spanish speaking people.
Av. Coyoacan No. 321 Col. Del Valle
Mexico, D.F.
Tel: (525) 669-1026
ETO Engineering, PLLC
Accessible cell phones for people with special needs.
DBA Accessible Cell Phones
303 Cary Pines Dr.
Cary NC 27513
Phone: 919-523-0205
Eurisco Information Systems
Computer software technology For the Visually Impaired.
Via San Gottardo 82
CH-6900 Massagno
Tel: +4191 966 31 24
Braille and Computer Adapters.
134-140, rue d’Aubervilliers
75019 Paris
Tel: 01 55 26 91 00
Evas Ability Pro
Access Technology and Turn Key Comput er Systems.
39 Canal Street
P.O. Box 371
Westerly, RI 02891
Tel: (401) 596-3155 or (800) 872-3827 >
Ezhermatic PCVoz
A screen reader application with Microsoft Agent Technology for English and Spanish language.
La Esperanza 98-3
Col. Industrial
GAM, Mexico DF
CP 07800, Mexico
Tel: (52)(55) 57500714
Future Aids: The Braille Superstore
(A Division of MarvelSoft Enterprises, Inc.)
“Tons” of Braille books and products.
33222 Lynn Ave
Abbotsford, BC
V2S 1C9 Canada
Tel: (800) 987-1231
G.W. Micro, Inc.
For information on Window Eyes (Version 4.0), a multi-functional speech reader program for both PCs and Macintosh. Quarterly newsletter “Focus of Vision” by subscription.
130 Taconic Business Park Rd
Manchester Center, VT 05255
Ph: 802-362-3612
Hear-More, Inc.
TTY Braille, Paging Systems.
4010 Barranca, Suite 220
22672 Lambert, Suite 607
Tel: (714) 857-6051
HITEC Group International, Inc.
Products include specialty and talking telephones, alerting systems, smoke detectors, clock/wake-up devices, vision software, communication hardware, and personal communicators.
8160 Madison Ave
Burr Ridge, IL 60521
Tel: (800) 288-8303 or (800) 536-8890 TTY
Maker of wireless E-bot video magnifier and OCR text-to-speech reader.
4616 W Howard Ln, Ste 960
Austin, TX 78728
Tel: (888) 520-4467
Horizons for the Blind
Providing accessibility services for the blind or visually impaired.
Text-to-Speech, GPS systems, myReader, video magnifiers, Braille products, more.
175 Mason Circle
Concord CA 94520
Tel: (800) 722 3393
Humanware Canada
Innovative assistive products for the visually impaired. Braille, Speech Recognition, Magnifiers, Open Book software, Talking Book Reader.
Independent Living Aids, Inc.
Products include cooking utensils, talking products, healthcare, household, telephones, daily living/mobility aids and lighting.
200 Robbins Ln
Jericho, NY 11753
Tel: (516) 937-1848 or (800) 537-2118 or (855) SHOPILA
Independent Living Products
Visual aids for daily living including glasses.
6227 N. 22nd Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85015-1955
Tel: (602) 249-0455 or (800) 377-8033
Independent Living Technologies
Assistive living products and technologies.
129 US Highway 70 West
Garner, NC 27529
1-877-ILT-SOURCE (458-7687)
Index Braille
Braille Embosser Manufacturer.
Box 155
Hantverksvagen 20
954 23 Gammelstad
Tel: +46-920 20 30 80
Innovative Rehabilitation Technology
Talking appliances and devices such as talking book four track cassette players and recorders, talking document readers, talking computers, screen reading software, speech synthesizers, speech compressors, magnifiers, CCTV, and recreational products.
13467 Colfax Highway
Grass Valley, CA 95945
Tel: (530) 274-2090
Iowa Department for the Blind: Project Assist
Tutorials for Windows and Windows applications used with screen readers by the blind and visually impaired.
Project ASSIST With Windows
Iowa Department for the Blind
524 Fourth Street
Des Moines, IA 50309-2364
Tel: (515) 281-1357
Telesensory, Aladdin & Aladdin Classic. Lightweight Portables: Pico, Olympia, Optelec. Compact and Traveler.
7550 West 183rd Street
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
Tel: 708.444.8460
325 N. Wells Street, Suite 321
Chicago, Illinois 60610
Tel: (312) 464-1608.
ITAC Systems, Inc.
Ergonomic computer input devices, trackballs, and pointing devices. Makers of Mouse-Trak.
ITAC Systems, Inc.
3113 Benton Street
Garland, TX 75042
Tel: (800) 533-4822
A.T. Kratter & Company
Technology and service for people with disabilities. CCTVs, magnifiers and more.
12062 Vally View Street
Suite 109
Garden Grove, CA 92845-1739
Tel: (714)799-3000
Life With Ease
Magnifiers, Talking Appliances, Enhanced Task Lighting.
P.O. Box 302
Newbury, NH 03255
Tel: (800) 966-5119 or (603) 763-7339 (outside U.S.)
LSC Luxo Wave Circline Magnifier
Enhanced Lighting fixtures, Industrial Lighting, Magnification.
735 Hastings Lane
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-6906
Tel: (800) 214-4522
LS&S Products, Inc.
Products for the visually impaired and hard of hearing. Talking and low-vision products, computer aids, magnifiers, CCTVs, assistive technology, daily living products, and Braille items.
P.O. Box 673
Northbrook, IL 60065
Tel: (800) 468-4789
Magnification Resources, Inc.
Magnification, lighting, computers, text to speech OCR devices, talking watches, clocks, talking medical devices, kitchen accessories, sewing products and much more. Competitive pricing and veterans’ discounts.
4600 Valley Rd
Suite 405
Lincoln, NE 68510
Tel: (866) 278-1850
Magnifiers and More
Complete inventory of optical aids, from simple hand-held magnifiers to the latest video technology. Provides training, as well as optical and non optical aids and support, to help people with limited vision live independent, productive and fulfilling lives.
7775 Mentor Avenue
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Tel: 440-946-3363
Magnifying Center
Magnifiers, Daily Living & Computer Aids, Reading Systems, Braille Embossers.
Main Branch
10086 W McNab Road
Tamarac, Florida 33321
Tel: (800) 364-1612
Full Line Catalog of Blind, Low Vision, & Visually Impaired Products, including Speech Recognition, Enhanced Lighting, Magnifiers, Talking Appliances.
42 Executive Blvd
Farmingdale NY 11735
Tel: 516-752-0521
Meeting The Challenge
Meeting the challenge of knowledge management through information technology with daily living aids for the visually impaired.
3630 Sinton Rd, Ste 103
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Tel: (719) 444-0252 or Toll Free: (800) 864-4264
Microsoft Accessibility and Disabilities
Large number of accessibility aids for the visually impaired. Free News letter subscription to the Microsoft Accessibility Update.
Mons International
Magnifiers, talking products, special lighting, CCTV systems, etc.
6595 Roswell Rd. #224
Atlanta, GA 30328
Nanopac Inc.
Assistive Technology, including Voice Recognition, Zoom Text, Magnifiers, and more.
4823 South Sheridan Road, Suite 302
Tulsa, OK 74145-5717
Tel: (918) 665-0329
Next Generation Technologies, Inc.
Custom solutions provider of alternative PC access technologies, universal design, and section 508 compliance.
Next Generation Technologies, Inc.
20006 Cedar Valley Rd – Suite 101
Lynnwood, WA 98036-6334
Tel: 425.744.1100
A wide variety of UV and infrared protective sunglasses especially designed for people with MD.
P.O. Box 159
South Lyon, MI 48178
Tel: (800)-521-9746 USA/(734)-769-5565
Ocutech, Inc.
Bioptic glasses, magnifiers, computer software.
109 Conner Dr. Ste 2105
Chapel Hill, NC 2714
Tel: (919) 967-6460 or (800) 326-6460
Optelec US, Inc.
Video magnification, desktop CCTVs, portable and mobile video magnifiers.
3030 Enterprise Ct., Ste C
Vista CA 92081
Tel: (760) 741-0767 / (800) 826-4200
Optima Low Vision Services LTD
The UK’s largest Internet based Magnifier and Low Vision Service.
Ford Road
Devon TQ9 5LQ
Tel: 01803 864218
German producer of CCTVs and Reading Systems.
OPTRON Produktion & Vertrieb
Postfach 12 36
D-64819 Gross-Umstadt
Telefon +49 (0)6078-911772
Ovac Reading Systems
Reading Systems for the Visually Impaired.
67-555 Hwy. 111
Unit C – 103
Cathedral City, CA 92234
Tel: (800) 325-4488
15 Main Street, Suite 102
Salisbury, MA 01952
Tel: (978) 465-3436 or (877) 283-7689
PC Talking Typing Tutor
De Witt & Associates, Inc.”
700 Godwin Avenue, Suite 110
Midland Park, NJ 07432
Tel: (877) 447-6500
Perceptual Alternatives
Electronic Travel Aids, and the Sonic Pathfinder.
40 Rowan St.
Doncaster East
Victoria 3109
Tel: (03) 98 48 96 94
Photo Protective Technologies
Melanin Eyewear and Light Filters made with Melanin, the body’s own defense against damage to the eyes (such as cataracts and macular degeneration) from sunlight and fluorescent light.
4738 Shavano Oak
San Antonio, TX 78249
Tel: (800) 219-9993 or (210) 493-6353
Pulse Data HumanWare, Inc.
Assistive Technology In Reading/Writing For Visual Impaired. Braille, Speech Recognition, Magnifiers.
175 Mason Circle
Concord, CA 94520
Tel: (800) 722-3393
RC Systems
Text-to-speech synthesis products. Our voice synthesizers are available as plug-in boards, modules, and chips.
RC Systems, Inc.
1609 England Ave
Everett WA 98203
Tel: (425) 355-3800
Triangle Digital Services Ltd
Latton Bush Centre, Southern Way
Harlow CM18 7BL
Tel: +44 1279 639471
Text-to-speech application which will read any text file or Rich Text Format file from the Net.
MoneyTree Software Company
121 Cherry Ridge Road, Thunder Bay ON
Canada P7G 1A7
Innovative assistive technology products and services for children and adults with disabilities. Augmentative communication devices, computer access equipment, speech software, cognitive rehabilitation aids, and more. Also offers an online Product Search & Referral service.
PO Box 572190
Houston, TX 77257
Tel: 281-531-6106
RJ Cooper & Associates
Special Needs Technology Specialists, including special software and hardware adaptations. Sonar vision glasses.
24843 Del Prado #283
Dana Point CA 92629
Tel: 1-800-RJCooper/949-661-6904
Robotron Pty, Ltd.
Products include: the Eureka Professional, the Aria Braille Palmtop, the Columbus Talking Comp ass and the BrailleMaster 6 for DOS and Windows. Reading machines.
222 St. Kilda Rd.
St. Kilda 3182
Tel: +61 3 9525 5300
Sammons Preston
Daily living aids include magnifiers, door viewers, remote controls, household plugs, braille playing cards, writing guides, talking watches, and calculators.
Tel: (800) 323-5547
Canada: (800) 665-9200
Schweizer & Multilens of America
Wholesale/distribution of magnifiers, filters, telescopic systems, working aids, and glasses.
85 Industrial Circle
Lincoln, RI 02865
Tel: 401.722.1108 / 866.922.1108
ScripTalk Station
Audible prescription reader.
En-Vision America, Inc.
1845 Hovey Avenue
Normal, Illinois 61761
Tel: 309-452-3088 (local)/800-890-1180 (toll free)
See It Bigger
Online retailer of all types of magnifying glasses, including handheld and hands free magnifiers.
Williamsburg, VA
Tel: 800-737-5211 (toll free)
Seiko Instruments USA, Inc.
The Quicktionary Reading Pen Brings Portable “Scan-See-Hear” Technology to the World of Learning.
2990 West Lomita Blvd
Torrance CA 90505
Tel: (877) 334-4040
Sendero Group
Developers of Atlas Speaks and Strider.
Davis CA 95616
Phone: (888) 757-6810
SensAbility, Inc.
Technology for reading, including CCTVs, reading machines, adaptive software, & Braille embossers.
299-B Peterson Rd
Libertyville IL 60048
Tel: (847) 367-9009 / (888) 669-7323 (toll free)
Sight Connection
Daily living aids for living with vision loss. Also Enhanced Lighting, CCTVS, and Magnifiers.
Northgate Plaza
9709 Third Ave. NE, #100
Seattle, CA
Tel: (800) 458-4888 (toll free)
Sunglasses, magnifiers, nutritional supplements, eye charts, and other ophthalmic products and supplies for both consumers and professionals.
15 West 65th Street
New York, NY 10023
Tel: (800) 666-4883/1-866-968-6393
Sight and Sound Technology
Video magnifiers, reading systems, speech synthesizers, braille embossers and translation systems.
Equilibrium House
Mansion Close
Moulton Park Industrial Estate
T: 01604 798070
E: [email protected]
Speak and Mail
Speak & Mail 2000 will notify you when new mail arrives by reading the message header and contents according to your preferences (Supports multiple email accounts).
Fax/Voice: (613) 596-0048
ICQ Number: 1619123
Speak To Me!
A free catalog of talking products. Daily living aids.
Order on line or call (800)248-9965
Special Needs Computer Solutions
Assistive Technology solutions for Special Needs individuals – sales, consulting of vision aids, computer ergonomic aids, and augmentative communication aids. Introducing Guide Software and Guide Handsfree – all-in-one software for low vision and blind individuals.
50 Niagara St.
St. Catharines, ON L2R 4K9 Canada
Tel: 905-641-4922 or 877-724-4922 (toll free)
Streamlight, Inc.
Builders of the world’s most trusted flashlights. Producers of a wide array of flashlights, including headlamps.
1030 W. Germantown Pike
Norristown, Pa. 19403
Tel: (610) 631-0600 or (800) 523-7488
Synapse Adaptive
Access and productivity tools.
14 Lynn Ct
San Rafael CA 94901
Tel: (415) 455-9700 / (800) 317-9611
Tactile Vision Graphics Inc.
We produce Braille and tactile graphics which are easy-to-follow, thoughtfully formatted, with Braille readers in mind.
400 Erie Street East, Unit 9
Windsor, ON N9A 3X4
Tel: +1 (226) 221-8849
Toll-free: (866) 465-0755
TACK-TILES Braille Systems LLC A sophisticated teaching tool for all ages based on LEGO®-type blocks.
P.O. Box 475
Plaistow, NH 03865
Tel: 1-800-822-5845
Talking Products
Designers of a wide range of unique devices with recorded personal voice messaging capability.
316 Wheelihan Way, PO Box 271,
Campbellville, ON. L0P 1B0
Tel: (905) 854-5630
Talking Rx
Talking Rx is a simple, easy-to-use device, that tells you exactly how many pills to take, when, and what for. Your doctor or pharmacist records the prescription information right into the Talking Rx.
Millennium Compliance Corp.
323 Thistle Lane – P.O. Box 649
Southington, CT 06489
Fax: 860-426-0542
Producer of Assistive Braille Technology (In French).
ZAE Les Glaises
4, Rue Leon Blum 91120
Palaiseau, France
Tel : (33) 01 69 19 47 57
Technology for Education, Inc.
Brailler, braille printer, computer products, software programs.
7328 Braden Trail
Inner Grove Heights, MN 55076-2339
Tel: (651) 457-1917 or (800) 370-0047
TextAloud MP3
Converts any text into voice and even to MP3.
ViewPlus Technologies, Inc.
Manufactures assistive technology devices and software such as the Tigerë Braille Embosser Series, EmprintTM the full color Braille printer, the Audio Graphing Calculator (AGC) and IVEOë the self-voicing tactile-audio learning system.
1853 SW Airport Ave.
Corvallis, Oregon 97333
Tel: 541-754-4002
VisionAid Technologies
Low Vision Aids | Transportable Magnifiers | Video Magnifiers | Reading Machines | Screen Readers
Bridge Lodge, Spalding Common
United Kingdom
PE11 3AU
Tel: 01775 711 977
Vision Cue
A select assortment of low vision, Braille, and speech products from a variety of key manufacturers.
4858-A S.W. Scholls Ferry Rd
Portland, OR 97225
Tel: 888-318-2582 and 503-297-1510
Visual-Tech Connection
CCTVs and Magnifiers For Low Vision.
P.O. Box 1996
Westerville, OH 43086
Tel: (800) 589-8835
The vOICe
Vision substitution software for the blind: seeing with sound.
Dr. Peter B.L. Meijer
Future Design Technologies
Philips Research Laboratories
Building WAY 41
Prof. Holstlaan 4
5656 AA Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Voice Systems
Includes Speech Synthesizers, Software, Braille Displays, Braille Printers (English and Italian).
Via G. da Procida, 6 – 20149
Milan, Italy
Tel : 0039 02 3450989
Wireless Video Cameras
Vision impairment virtual reality glasses that are part of a lightweight virtual reality headset system which not only allows the visually impaired to experience television and video content, but also the internet and the world of computers. Performs like a portable CCTV.
Wireless Video Cameras
46 Calle De Los Ninos
Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688
Tel: (949) 533-3516
WorkLink ADA Solutions
Products include voice recognition software, speech recognition and custom designed computers, adaptive computer products, mice and pointing devices, keyboards.
2566A Telegraph Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
Tel: (510) 848-8363 or Toll Free: (800) 732-0522