
Recognizing Cataract

Watch for Vision Changes as You Age As life goes on, we all start to notice certain changes that are a natural part of aging. Maybe our joints aren’t as flexible as before, or our hearing just isn’t what it used to be. Our vision, too, may be less sharp than it once was. One [Read More]

Gene Therapy Without Retinal Risk

Researchers have developed a method of delivering genes to the inner layers of the retina without the risks associated with injection into the delicate tissues themselves. This less invasive technique has been carried out successfully in animal models by a research team led by Drs. John G. Flannery and David V. Schaffer at the University [Read More]

Gene Expression in the Retina Expanded

Identifying the genetics of retinal degeneration has become especially important with progress of trials in gene therapy. Investigators have identified more than 200 retinal degeneration disease genes, but still haven’t been able to find the cause of disease in up to half of cases. Now Ocular Genomics Institute has announced that Drs. Michael Farkas, Eric [Read More]