Stem Cells Found in Human Breast Tissue

by Dan Roberts In March of 2013, an online early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that newly discovered stem cells from human breast tissue are more genetically stable than the human induced pluripoint stem cells (hiPS cells) currently being developed. In addition to avoiding the issue of using embryonic [Read More]

Stem Cell Procedures Promising

by Dan Roberts (Updated February 20, 2015) Several studies are showing success at using stem cell transplantation to treat retinal degeneration. This article describes the progress of the research. University of Washington In 2006, a team from the University of Washington used a mix of “growth factors”, natural proteins that encourage cell growth, to coax [Read More]

New Treatment for Dry AMD Using HuCNS Stem Cells

by Dan Roberts February 2, 2012 StemCells, Inc. announced on February 2, 2012 that the FDA has authorized a Phase I/II clinical trial of a new method using stem cells from the brain to prevent degeneration of the macula in dry AMD patients. Purified human neural stem cells (HuCNS-SC) will be administered by a single [Read More]

A Primer on the Use of Stem Cells in Ophthalmology

Irving J. Arons September 2, 2010 (Version 3, Updated September 14, 2010) I recently came across an interesting news release from International Stem Cell Corporation (ISCO) announcing that it had formed a new business unit, Cytovis, to focus on stem cell programs in ophthalmology, including CytoCor for the cornea and CytoRet for the retina. That [Read More]

Retina Developed From Human Stem Cells

by Dan Roberts (Updated February 1, 2008) Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) in Massachusetts announced on September 23, 2004 that they had engineered human embryonic stem cells which could be used to repair a damaged retina. The research team worked with stem cells taken from human embryos made by another team at Harvard University and coaxed [Read More]