Phototrop Improves Vision in ARMD Patients

by Dan Roberts
July 13, 2005
Phototrop (a combination of compounds which affect mitochondrial lipid metabolism) is now available in the United States. The compound was reported to yield significant results in a paper published in May 2005. (“Improvement of visual functions and fundus alterations in early age-related macular degeneration treated with a combination of acetyl-L-carnitine, n-3 fatty acids, and coenzyme Q10.” Feher J, Kovacs B, Kovacs I, Schveoller M, Papale A, Balacco Gabrieli C. Ophthalmologica. 2005 May-Jun;219(3):154-66.)
In the year-long study of 106 patients with early AMD, improvement was noted in visual field mean defect (VFMD), visual acuity, foveal sensitivity, and fundus alterations. In addition, in the treated group only 1 out of 48 cases (2%) showed worsening of VFMD, while in the placebo group 9 out of 53 (17%) showed worsening in VFMD. There was also a significant decrease in drusen-covered area of the treated eyes.
The compound was developed by sigma-tau HealthScience, a wholly-owned subsidiary of sigma-tau S.p.A.
Descriptions of the ingredients in one capsule of Phototrop:
230 mg EPA Omega 3
160 mg DHA Omega 3
100 mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine
10 mg Co-enzyme Q10
2 capsules per day is the recommended dosage.
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are the two principal omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil. They serve to lower the levels of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the blood. (LDL cholesterol is the “bad” cholesterol.) Acetyl-L-Carnitine assists in the synthesis of fatty acids, and Co-enzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that also enhances cell growth and maintenance.