
Spinach For Sight

Light-sensitive proteins in chlorophyll may provide treatment for some eye diseases. by Carolyn Krause Reprinted with permission from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL Reporter, Issue 30, September 2001. Spinach, a vegetable famously rich in vitamins and minerals, can be safely assumed to be good for the eyes. A collaboration between ORNL researchers and the [Read More]

Stem Cell Research: Hope With An Ethical Price Tag

by Dan Roberts August 2001 Background On The Research Stem cells are undeveloped structures which are able develop into any of the nearly 220 cell types that make up the human body, and which can theoretically reproduce themselves infinitely. Recent discovery of adult stem cells, or progenitor cells, in the eyes of adult rodents has [Read More]

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

How To Avoid Charity Rip-offs by Dan Roberts 2001 Wherever you find people who are affected by incurable diseases, you will find others trying to relieve them of their money. Often hiding under the guise of nonprofit charitable organizations and carefully following all of the requirements imposed by law, they present a facade of benevolence, [Read More]

A New Look At Eye Health

by Bill Sardi (Reprinted with permission from Nutrition Science News, April 2001.) Many people with deteriorating vision are seeing nutritional therapy as a successful alternative to conventional medicine or surgery. An example is Mildred Frank of Ormond Beach, Fla., who experienced a dramatic improvement in her vision that was not the result of lasers or [Read More]


A report on new information from the Gordon Research Conference by Gislin Dagnelie, Ph.D. January 21, 2001 Over the past week I attended the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on carotenoids, a meeting that is held once per 3 years to exchange the most current information in the area of research on plant and animal substances [Read More]