
Catching The Big One

by Dan Roberts When Harold was twelve, he rarely thought about The Big One. He would leap from high places, race his Schwinn over steep ramps, play with fire, and defy The Big One with all other manner of bravado. Then, one especially exuberant day, sporting a Superman cape made from his mother’s Christmas table cloth, Harold flew blindly [Read More]

Blessings On My Path

by Beverly Castellini Submitted by Mike Goldberg Rehabilitation Counselor Vermont Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired Beverly is a sixty-nine year old woman who now lives in the family homestead in Hartland, Vermont. In the mid 1960’s, she and her husband, George, built their home on property which her ancestors purchased in this rural [Read More]

A Beautiful Place To Be

by Tabby Among cherished hobbies and interests, I hold particularly dear my ability to make people’s heads vanish. I intend this statement in the least metaphorical sense possible, because encroaching blindness has given me superpowers. With a simple redirection of my blind spots, a stained shirt is rendered clean; a dinner bill is reduced by [Read More]