Depression and Macular Degeneration

from Macular Degeneration–The Complete Guide To Saving And Maximizing Your Sight by Lylas G. Mogk, M.D. and Marja Mogk (Originally published September 2004. Reprinted with permission) Many people who lose vision go through a short period of mild depression as they grieve their loss and adjust their lives. But many others experi ence prolonged periods of [Read More]

Is Brittany Blind?

A presentation to students of Music Therapy at the University of Missouri, Kansas City December 7, 2004 Presenter: Dan Roberts Founding Director Macular Degeneration Support Introduction Ten-year-old Brittany has been a music and composition student of mine for three years. She was born with a rare condition called anophthalmia, which translates as “without organs of [Read More]

Descriptive Terminology for Macular Degeneration

by Dan Roberts Originally published July 2004 By their choice of words, eye care professionals, public relations writers and media reporters hold the power to influence the psychological impact of macular degeneration on newly-diagnosed patients. This article attempts to bring awareness of terminology that is both accurate and sensitive to patient welfare, thereby establishing a [Read More]