Rising Above COVID19 Depression

Prevalence of all forms of depression during the COVID19 pandemic was found to be 20% in a study population of 113,285 individuals.(1) Not unexpectedly, this is higher than the pre-pandemic rate. Compounded with already high levels of depression among those who are socially isolated due to visual impairment (2), this gives cause for increased concern [Read More]

New Website Brings AMD Groups Together

AMD Central.org provides access to resources for patients and caregivers in one location  The American Macular Degeneration Foundation, BrightFocus Foundation, MD Support, Prevent Blindness and The SupportSight Foundation have launched AMD Central, an online resource that curates trusted information and tools from leading advocacy organizations to support the age-related macular degeneration (AMD) patient and caregiver community. [Read More]

Looking Forward to 2021

Even the most optimistic person will admit that 2020 was a 365-day slog through dangers, disasters, and disappointments. In a year that offered little relief, considering that its famous number might have been expected to boost our spirits with good news about vision. And that’s why it might help us to look ahead at some [Read More]