The FDA has approved updates to Susvimo, which will be available to U.S. retina specialists and patients with wet AMD in the coming weeks. Genentech announced today the reintroduction of Susvimo® (ranibizumab injection) 100 mg/mL for intravitreal use via ocular implant for the treatment of people in the United States with wet, or neovascular, age-related [Read More]
Opportunity for People Affected by Geographic Atrophy
For persons with Geographic Atrophy due to Dry Age-related Macular Degeneration: Lagrippe Research is inviting three individuals diagnosed with Geographic Atrophy to participate in our upcoming discussion. We are also interested in speaking with family members / loved ones that assist and support people who have been diagnosed with GA. The research’s purpose is to [Read More]
Apellis is seeking potential participants for its Patient Ambassador Program
Apellis is seeking potential participants for its Patient Ambassador Program. As part of the program, participants will take part in trainings for the preparation of events where they may share about their geographic atrophy (GA) journey. Please understand that a limited number of individuals will be selected to participate. Apellis staff will talk with you [Read More]
Access in Sight – National Macular Degeneration Advocacy and Action Week
As part of AMD Awareness Month, and having declared the fourth week in February Access in Sight – National Macular Degeneration Advocacy and Action Week, the Age-related Macular Degeneration Foundation (AMDF) is inviting members of the AMD community to come to Washington, DC, on February 28-29, to meet with their representatives in Congress and the Senate to [Read More]
Volunteers Needed for Participation in Dry AMD Seminar
On March 1, Dr. Todd Durham (Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Clinical & Outcomes Research, Foundation Fighting Blindness) will lead a dry AMD patient-focused drug development seminar. The online event is open to all (patients, families, professionals) and will include a panel of patients talking about their experiences with dry AMD. Volunteers for the panel are [Read More]