Help Your Ophthalmologist Help You

Please share this article with your ophthalmologist Vision rehabilitation is the standard of care for patients who are losing their vision, and ophthalmologists are key to improving access to care for these patients. Recognizing this, Lighthouse Guild is offering ophthalmologists free access to an eLearning program titled, “Introduction to Vision Rehabilitation.” Dr. Alan R. Morse, [Read More]

Summary of Research and Developments–2017

Presentation to the International Low Vision Support Group June 1, 2017 Dan Roberts INTRODUCTION This is my 12th annual summary of leading research and developments occuring during the past 12 months in the fields of blindness and low vision. Sources for further information will appear beneath each topic heading, but for the sake of brevity, [Read More]

Summary of Research and Developments in Macular Degeneration: 2009-2010

by Dan Roberts June 10, 2010 Introduction If I were to describe the past twelve months in a word, it would be “progress.” No spectacular breakthroughs have occurred during that time to make big news in the AMD world, but a lot of persistent work has been reaping promising results. moving us ever closer to [Read More]

Summary of Research and Developments in Macular Degeneration: 2007-2008

Compiled and edited by Dan Roberts JUNE 2007 Omega-3 Proving to be Beneficial on Several Fronts Recent studies have shown that Omega-3 fatty acids and fish consumption may reduce the risks of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), Alzheimer’s disease, inflammation and depression. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) Research Group showed that dietary total Omega-3 and [Read More]

Summary of Research and Developments in Macular Degeneration: 2006-2007

by Dan Roberts This is a summary of all major research and developments pertinent to macular degeneration that occurred between mid-May 2006 and mid-May 2007. It is organized by month of occurence under the subsets “Pharmacology,” “Surgery,” “Nutrition” and/or “Miscellaneous.” The final section, “The Future,” summarizes work in progress that may lead to promising developments [Read More]